Prayer for good health and protection from diseases

Introduction of the prayer:

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has taught many prayers for good health and well being. In above mentioned prayer The Prophet (pbuh) supplicates Allah for well being and comfort. This prayer can be recited for protection from epidemics and diseases. The Prophet (pbuh) used to recite it in his daily routine, in evening and morning prayers, for three times.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been awarded with “jawami’ ul kalam”( ‏كان يتكلمُ بجوامعِ الكلام), he (pbuh) used to speak language conveying many meanings in few words (a description of the Prophet Muhammad). This short prayer is the best example of it. In this prayer he (pbuh) asks Allah for good health for body, hearing and good eye sight. This prayer is also a supplication for protection from all types of diseases and epidemics. He (pbuh) suggested to recite this prayer daily, in morning and evening. Regular reciter will be safe from any harm to body and health and be blessed with good health.

Guidance from the Prayer:

  • This is a comprehensive prayer for good health and well being.
  • It should be recited in morning and evening prayers for three times.
  • Recitation of this prayer will protect the from all diseases and bring comfort and ease in life regarding heath issues.